Call to order at 6:30pm

Acceptance of Agenda, was accepted

District Board Meetings update; Denis advised that the meetings are still being done by zoom. The financials were discussed at the meeting held on Oct. 19th and the district is in good health financially. District has about $235 accumulative in the district. Discussed that the clubs should be contributing a percentage of funds to new purchases. Need to get the GPS coordinates to Jessica asap so the maps can be updated.

Financial Report, Mike sent us the September's budget. Fundraising account nothing to report. The budget process is underway, Mike will complete the form and sent it in tomorrow to Jessica. Starting with a budget of 66K, based on estimate of 4 years grooming. We have to absorb the14K for the engineer report on the French and Pickerel bridges.

Bridges; The repairs to the French River bridge completed and we received the certificate from the engineers. Date of next inspection is April 21. 2023. Certificate expires on April 30, 2023. The MOT gave us permission to use the old hwy 69 for this season only for the Pickerel bridge reroute. Jessica wants the engineers to give us their estimate of what is required for the Pickerel bridge. Who is going to pay for that? It is a major trail do they want this closed ongoing, we can't afford to pay repairs every 2 years. Since other clubs have trails on the Ran maybe they should contribute funds for repairs on the bridges to keep the RAN trail open. The trail south of us (Parry Sound) should contribute also since their trail access the RAN. Gates will be installed at both ends this year of the Pickerel Bridge this year. We currently have 1 gate available and Denis will see if we can get the one from the Mayer Rd property that is not being used.

TRAIL Reroutes update: Around Noelville area, using our old trail FD704; Rob is going to see if we can use Shawn Road route again this year or is another reroute required; CNN tracks up in Estaire, can we use tracks instead of using road, Andrew will investigate; Running on trout lake road for about 2 kms, is there anything we can do to get a trail off the road, will be looked at; Delamere swamp trail- need to look at reroutes etc., south side there are spots available to groom and create a spot to turnaround. North side you can back groomer in; Few areas on the Alban trail need to be fixed; Hwy 607 under pass, MTO made deep ditches along this area so we may need bridge or culvert in this area. MTO is currently working on it, MTO should be responsible for added a culvert if needed and packing gravel etc. to that area. This will be discussed with AECOM at their office in Alban; Prevost Rd culvert needed, Denis will talk to works dept to see who is putting in the culvert, them or us.

Oil Tank Repair at French River Inn - update Luc checked it out and it is on a slope so he will try to put in a stopper (board, stakes etc) by it so the tank does not slide and cause problems.

Landowners - We have a few a agreements that are expired so new ones will be requested. Denis will talk to the owner of the Tower Rd. property, need to get their authorization again this year. A couple of agreements are needed on Golf Course Road in Alban. Didn't have a lot of land owners selling their properties which is great.

Advertising -not required for the map this year.

Old Business Open: nothing to report

New Business - send letter to Killarney and French River council for donation this year. Bev will prepare letters. Health and Safety session will be held at December's meeting. There is a PowerPoint presentation that we need to review along with a quiz.

Approval of Previous Annual General Meeting - accepted

Nomination & Election of Executives for 2021 - 2022. The following will remain in their current positions: Denis Prevost - President, Andrew Rowaan - Vice President, Michel Paquette - Treasurer, Beverly Bratton - Secretary, George Landry - Director, Robert Bertrand - Director, Fran Pilon - Director, Eric Ferguson - Director, Luc Bisaillon - Director, Diana LeBreton - Director. John Kazimer has stepped down from his Director role but will continue to assist with trails. We are not replacing this position for the 2021-2022 year. No new nominations.

Next meeting November 24, 2021