Call to Order at 3:16pm   

In attendance:

FRSA board: Cathy Kazimer - President, Andrew Rowaan – Vice President, John Kazimer - Treasurer, Marc Meilleur - Director, Bev Bratton – Secretary. 

General attendees: George Landry, Sue Landry, Rob Bertrand, Tom Smith, Fran Pilon, Luc Bisaillon, Diana Bisaillon, Michel Paquette, Justin Carriere, Bob Coyne, Bill Howe, Debbie Howe, Jim Pettigrew, Laurie Pettigrew, Yvon Comtois, Debbie Comtois.

Acceptance of Agenda

Moved by George Landry, Seconded by Marc Meilleur, Carried

Acceptance of AGM Minutes from May 29, 2018

Bev Bratton read the minutes.  

Moved by Marc Meilleur, Seconded by Jim Pettigrew. Carried.

Financial Report

John Kazimer reviewed the expense reports for the year ending March 31, 2019.  Motion to accept the Financial Report.  Moved by Bev Bratton, seconded by Andrew Rowaan. Carried.


John Kazimer and Andrew Rowaan discussed some of the areas on the trails that need work as noted below:

  • Major work needed around Highway 69 because of the ongoing road work and the impact on our C trail.

    • Key River area requires a reroute. Met with Ministry Transportation Ontario (MTO) who accepted our new location as previous location was unusable due to running water in and around the tunnel. Will need an excavator for this.

    • At the Ojibway Canyon (east side of tunnel) the groomer can’t make the necessary turn on the trail because of the reroute the MTO prepared for us. On the West side of the tunnel is a gorge that requires some fill to help the grade of the trail as there’s now a lip sticking out which is dangerous for riders trying to get up. The highway contractor may be able to help with the fill; however, we will have to hire a contractor to push the rock/fill down as the canyon trail is on Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) land. John K has applied for a work permit from MNRF, along with the one for the Key River reroute.

    • Ongoing discussions are being held with MTO and MNRF.

  • Boisvenue Road area may need stone laid in one section. Marc mentioned someone already put stone down, need to confirm.

  • Both bridges are due for inspections this year. If work is required on the one or both bridges as a result of the inspection, FRSA will need to discuss costs with the District Board to determine if we (the District) has funds to proceed with the repairs. If we don’t have the funds to repair the issue will be brought up with the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC). Bridges may be closed if the costs are too high, which would mean the C trail and possibly the C105D trail will be closed for the season.

  • Trail in Monetville needs to be moved in a section where an electric fence is located. The owner advised that the fence gets knocked down in the winter with the activity on the trail in the winter. Several trees need to come down, the owner advised he can move the trees once they are cut down. The Club will add orange stakes along the electric fence after the trail is moved. The section of trail should only take 1 day to move.

  • Trail by Nepewassi Lake (C213) was closed because of a beaver dam. Need to fix so the groomer operator can safely groom.


Team did a great job with the trails this year considering all the problems we had with our 2 groomers.  It was a terrible year, lots of mechanical issues and 1 or both were down constantly. Downtime was a major issue.  Discussions were held with various parties (District and OFSC) regarding our groomer issues. One solution was to have The Shop Industrial (TSI) in Sudbury check out both groomers to see what work is required.  The estimates of the service required were high. Andrew mentioned that it maybe best to fix the groomers since he has heard the new groomers have a lot of electronics in them and the repairs on them are high. Refurbished groomers are now in the fleet and is proving to be cost effective. 

 Fund Raising

We still have T-shirts, Hoodies and Caps in stock.  The past year we posted the clothing on Facebook which resulted in some sales.  We also posted the clothing on our website. Currently $1208.77 in inventory.  When we have our next meeting in the Fall, we will discuss fundraising options and if we should continue to roll out clothing sales, we could expand in colours and other types of clothing. 

 Social Media

Currently we have 1185 following us on Facebook.


Health and Safety courses are going to be rolled out to all volunteers.  This is a new initiative by OFSC for liability issues and is mandatory for all volunteers and employees.  A plan how to best implement is being worked on and details will follow prior to our trail work beginning.

 Election of Executive

President, nominations requested because Cathy Kazimer declined this position.

Andrew Rowaan was nominated by Bob Coyne, Andrew declined.

Bev Bratton was nominated by Fran Pilon, Beverly declined.

Since no one wanted the President position Cathy Kazimer advised that she stay in this position for one more year.  

Moved by Marc Meilleur, seconded by Michel Paquette, Carried         

Vice President

Andrew Rowaan will remain in this position.


Beverly Bratton will remain in this position.


John Kazimer will remain in this position.


Marc Meilleur will remain in this position

Bob Bertrand will remain in this position

 Nominations for Directors 

Fran Pilon, moved by Andrew Rowaan, seconded by Marc Meilleur, Carried

·         Fran volunteered to organize monthly meetings for the club

Michel Paquette, moved by Fran Pilon, seconded by Andrew Rowaan, Carried 

·         Michel volunteered to be on the District Trails Committee

Tom Smith, moved by Andrew Rowaan, seconded by Bob Coyne, Carried

·         Tom volunteered to handle administration duties, along with Health and Safety

Rob Bertrand, moved by George Landry, seconded by Debbie Comtois, Carried

·         Rob volunteered to handle grant applications, i.e. Trillium Fund

George Landry, moved by Marc Meilleur, seconded by Andrew Rowaan, Carried

·         George volunteered to oversee the signage on the trails


Sue Landry, Yvon and Debbie Comtois

Volunteer of the Year Award

This award was given Marc Meilleur for all his ongoing hard work on the trails and maintenance of the groomers. Thank you very much!

Old Business

Nothing to report

New Business

Cathy advised that we need to add “zero tolerance of cannabis” to our policy.  This will be added to the no alcohol, drugs, etc. wording. The new wording was handed out by Cathy for all to review.  It was agreed to add the applicable wording. Moved by Andrew Rowaan, seconded by Marc Meilleur, Carried

 Meeting Adjourned at 5:15pm